Highly sought -after hoya due to its huge cup-shaped red flowers that can easily be 5cm or more across the mouth. This species is well suited for for ladders or baskets.
Flowers: Clusters of 3 to 15, 5cm flowers appear over the warmer months.
Position: Partly shaded positions and protected positions,flowersbetter under higher sun level.
Temperature: Moderate to warm range, bustbe undercover in colder areas and may need to be wintered indoors.
Water: Keep drier in winter and moist in warmer months.
Fertiliser: Weak dose regularly in warmer months
Repotting: Only when plant is well advanced in pot or mid-spring.
Please Note: The plant you receive may look a little different than the one in the photo above. Leaf colour, flower size and plant size will vary depending on factors including the season & lighting. You will receive the species of plant shown in the photo in a pot and carefully packed to reduce plant stress. Weight includes packing materials.
PLEASE NOTE; Please note this plant has a split in one leaf purchase acknowledges acceptance.
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