Hoyas – House of Hoyas https://houseofhoyas.com.au Sat, 17 Aug 2024 06:14:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://houseofhoyas.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/cropped-House-of-Hoyas-11-1-32x32.jpg Hoyas – House of Hoyas https://houseofhoyas.com.au 32 32 Hoya Odorata https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-odorata-2/ https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-odorata-2/#respond Mon, 07 Mar 2022 07:09:00 +0000 https://houseofhoyas.com.au/?post_type=product&p=1151  

Flowers: Large 3 cm white flowers in bunches of 2 to 3 appear along each vine-like stems. 

Position:Partial shade , under cover in colder climates to protect from winter rains & frosts. Growa well indoors but may not be flower.

Temperature:  Tolerant of most temperatures but must be kept in warmer months. In tropical climates reduce watering in summer to promote more flowers.

Water: Keep dryer in winter and moist in warmer months.

Fertiliser: Weak dose regularly in warmer months

Repotting: Only when plant is well advanced in pot or mid-spring.

Please Note: The plant you receive may look a little different than the one in the photo above.  Leaf colour, flower size and plant size will vary depending on factors including the season & lighting.  You will receive the species of plant shown in the photo in a pot and carefully packed to reduce plant stress.  Weight includes packing materials.

https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-odorata-2/feed/ 0
Hoya Merrillii https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-merrillii/ https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-merrillii/#respond Mon, 07 Mar 2022 05:51:24 +0000 https://houseofhoyas.com.au/?post_type=product&p=1149  

Flowers: 1cm across with recrurved petels, suits pot pr basket, highly fragrant 

Position: Filtered sun to heavy shade, ubder cover. In cold climatesit should be kept out of the rain.

Temperature: Moderate to warm position, must protected in frost areas or wintered indoors.

Water: Keep dryer in winter and moist in warmer months.

Fertiliser: Weak dose regularly in warmer months

Repotting: Only when plant is well advanced in pot or mid-spring.

Please Note: The plant you receive may look a little different than the one in the photo above.  Leaf colour, flower size and plant size will vary depending on factors including the season & lighting.  You will receive the species of plant shown in the photo in a pot and carefully packed to reduce plant stress.  Weight includes packing materials.

https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-merrillii/feed/ 0
Hoya sp. Pink Splash https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-sp-pink-splash/ https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-sp-pink-splash/#respond Mon, 07 Mar 2022 05:44:57 +0000 https://houseofhoyas.com.au/?post_type=product&p=1147 The splash form of this exceptional un-named species, carnosa-like but with much larger leaves. Hardy fast growing hoya producing long string runners with masses of flowers buds. Great fro ladders or baskets..

Flowers: 1.2 cm flowers in large clusters throughout the warmer months.

Position: Full sun to heavy shade, will flower better under high light.

Temperature: Cool to moderate with same winter proetection.

Water: Keep drier in winter and moist in warmer months.

Fertiliser: Weak dose regularly in warmer months

Repotting: Only when plant is well advanced in pot or mid-spring.

Please Note: The plant you receive may look a little different than the one in the photo above.  Leaf colour, flower size and plant size will vary depending on factors including the season & lighting.  You will receive the species of plant shown in the photo in a pot and carefully packed to reduce plant stress.  Weight includes packing materials.

https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-sp-pink-splash/feed/ 0
Hoya Pink Dragon https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-pink-dragon/ https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-pink-dragon/#respond Mon, 07 Mar 2022 05:39:14 +0000 https://houseofhoyas.com.au/?post_type=product&p=1145 This hoya is referred to as pubicalyx Pink Dragon but it is origins are unsure. Hardy fast growing hoya producing long strong runners great for ladders or baskets. Prune to shape.

Flowers: 1.2 cm flowers in large clusters throughout the warmer months.

Position: Full sun to heavy shade, will flower better under high light.

Temperature: Moderate to warm, with same winter proetection.

Water: Keep drier in winter and moist in warmer months.

Fertiliser: Weak dose regularly in warmer months

Repotting: Only when plant is well advanced in pot or mid-spring.

Please Note: The plant you receive may look a little different than the one in the photo above.  Leaf colour, flower size and plant size will vary depending on factors including the season & lighting.  You will receive the species of plant shown in the photo in a pot and carefully packed to reduce plant stress.  Weight includes packing materials.

https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-pink-dragon/feed/ 0
Hoya Onychoides https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-onychoides/ https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-onychoides/#respond Mon, 07 Mar 2022 05:29:14 +0000 https://houseofhoyas.com.au/?post_type=product&p=1143 Higly sought after species with huge red flowers that can easily be 5cm or more across, this species is well suited forladders or baskets. Runners and long an leaves can be 15 to 20 cm long.

Flowers: Clusters of 3 to 8 7cm flowers appear over the warmer months. 

Position: Partly shaded positions and protected positions,flowersbetter under higher sun level.  

Temperature: Moderate to warm range, bustbe undercover in colder areas and may need to be wintered indoors. 

Water: Keep drier in winter and moist in warmer months.

Fertiliser: Weak dose regularly in warmer months

Repotting: Only when plant is well advanced in pot or mid-spring.

Please Note: The plant you receive may look a little different than the one in the photo above.  Leaf colour, flower size and plant size will vary depending on factors including the season & lighting.  You will receive the species of plant shown in the photo in a pot and carefully packed to reduce plant stress.  Weight includes packing materials.

PLEASE NOTE; Please note this plant has a split in one leaf purchase acknowledges acceptance.

https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-onychoides/feed/ 0
Hoya Sp. Mae Nam IML 1420 https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-sp-mae-nam-iml-1420/ https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-sp-mae-nam-iml-1420/#respond Mon, 07 Mar 2022 05:15:25 +0000 https://houseofhoyas.com.au/?post_type=product&p=1140 Another gorgeous veiny leaf hoyas species originating  from Thailand. Slow growing but oh so worth it to see this stunning leaves and the lemon scented flowers that are short leaved but spectacular. 

Fertiliser: Weak dose regularly in warmer months

Repotting: Only when plant is well advanced in pot or mid-spring.] to late summer. Growth is slow, plant can be trimmed to shaped when required or allowed to grow to any size.

Please Note: The plant you receive may look a little different than the one in the photo above.  Leaf colour, flower size and plant size will vary depending on factors including the season & lighting.  You will receive the species of plant shown in the photo in a pot and carefully packed to reduce plant stress.  Weight includes packing materials.

https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-sp-mae-nam-iml-1420/feed/ 0
Hoya Nong Nooch IML 1541 https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-nong-nooch/ https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-nong-nooch/#respond Thu, 24 Feb 2022 04:57:54 +0000 https://houseofhoyas.com.au/?post_type=product&p=1137 thia large leafed species is one of my favourites. The main attraction are the long distinctly veined leaves growing up to 17cm in length. A must have for any collector who is attracted to unique foliage.


Fertiliser: Weak dose regularly in warmer months

Repotting: Only when plant is well advanced in pot or mid-spring.] to late summer. Growth is slow, plant can be trimmed to shaped when required or allowed to grow to any size.

Please Note: The plant you receive may look a little different than the one in the photo above.  Leaf colour, flower size and plant size will vary depending on factors including the season & lighting.  You will receive the species of plant shown in the photo in a pot and carefully packed to reduce plant stress.  Weight includes packing materials.

https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-nong-nooch/feed/ 0
Hoya Villosa (Copy) https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-villosa-copy/ https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-villosa-copy/#respond Wed, 02 Feb 2022 04:45:33 +0000 https://houseofhoyas.com.au/?post_type=product&p=1114 A hardy easy fast-growing species that produceslong ornate 10cm to 15cm velvety to the touch leaves. 

A very tactile plant, you’ll want to pet its leaves for hours on end (I know we do!)

Flowers: Attractive clusers of 10 to 30 1cm bright flowers appear in the warmer months.

Position: Full sun to semi-shade; flowers better under higher sun levels.  

Temperature: Warm to tropical range, must be kept under cover in colder areas and will need to be wintered indoors.

Water: Keep drier in winter and moist in warmer months.

Fertiliser: Weak dose regularly in warmer months

Repotting: Only when plant is well advanced in pot or mid-spring.

Please Note: The plant you receive may look a little different than the one in the photo above.  Leaf colour, flower size and plant size will vary depending on factors including the season & lighting.  You will receive the species of plant shown in the photo in a pot and carefully packed to reduce plant stress.  Weight includes packing materials.

https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-villosa-copy/feed/ 0
Hoya Deykei https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-deykei-2/ https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-deykei-2/#respond Wed, 02 Feb 2022 04:41:04 +0000 https://houseofhoyas.com.au/?post_type=product&p=1109 Slow growing species with heart-shaped ornate leaves to 10cm across.

Reports are that flowers are rate, but well worth the wait.

Position: Filtered sun to heavy shade, under cover.  In cold climates it should be kept out of the rain.

Temperature: Cool to Warm position, must be protected in frost areas or wintered indoors.

Water: Keep drier in winter and moist in warmer months.

Fertiliser: Weak dose regularly in warmer months

Repotting: Only when plant is well advanced in pot or mid-Spring to late Summer. Growth is slow, plant can be trimmed to shape when required or allowed to grow to any size.

Please Note: The plant you receive may look a little different than the one in the photo above.  Leaf colour, flower size and plant size will vary depending on factors including the season & lighting.  You will receive the species of plant shown in the photo in a pot and carefully packed to reduce plant stress.  Weight includes packing materials.

PLEASE NOTE: One leaf has a damage spot. By purchasing you accept the plant as described. Prefered pick-up.

https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-deykei-2/feed/ 0
Hoya Cheng Mai (Copy) https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-cheng-mai-copy/ https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-cheng-mai-copy/#respond Wed, 02 Feb 2022 04:36:05 +0000 https://houseofhoyas.com.au/?post_type=product&p=1108 A hardly fast growing hoya producing long strong runners, great for ladders or baskets, Prune to shape. It has to 2 peducles.

Flowers: 1cm cream flowers in clusters of 30 or more with many clusters per stem, fragrant. Robust growth with large freshly leaves, great for baskets.

Position: Partly shade, under cover in colder climates to protected from winter rains and frosts. Grows well indoors but pruduces only occasional flowers.

Temperature: Cool to warm range, must be kept dry and protected in frosts zones or kept indoors in winter in cold climates.

Water: Keep dyer in winter and moist in warmer months.

Fertiliser: Weak dose regularly in warmer months

Repotting: Only when plant is well advanced in pot or mid-spring to late summer. Growth is rapid so plant can be trimmed to shape when required or allowed to grow  in any size.


Please Note: The plant you receive may look a little different than the one in the photo above.  Leaf colour, flower size and plant size will vary depending on factors including the season & lighting.  You will receive the species of plant shown in the photo in a pot and carefully packed to reduce plant stress.  Weight includes packing materials.

https://houseofhoyas.com.au/product/hoya-cheng-mai-copy/feed/ 0